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  "FREE BAND"        11METER BAND ®

 Radio - DXperience, beyond the limits

- The group is the association of radio amateurs interested on to make DX contacts with the different stations around the world.

 The Philosophy is about friendship; and DX-Radio Sport

 - On this site will you find some info about us, and contact info.

Enjoy the DX-perience on Radio into a worldwide Dx Radio group

 - The principal characteristic of our members is work DX on all modes on the all "Free band" segment.

 - The group promote the courtesy and friendship between the group's and this people.
- The group also promote the experimentation with antennas and interesting types of radio propagation and contact with normal countrys and exotic ( IOTAS ).

Frecuencias de llamada en 11 metros:
●26,285 MHz USB – Internacional
●26.385 MHz USB – Europa
●26,425 MHz USB – Polonia
●26,440 MHz USB – África Central
●26,505 MHz USB – Hungria
●27.555 MHz USB – Internacional
●26.565 MHz FM – Alemania
●26.920 MHz USB – Marruecos
●26.930 MHz USB – Indias Occidentales
●27,235 MHz USB / LSB – Suecia
●27,275 MHz USB – Reino Unido
●27,275 MHz LSB – África del Sur
●27,285 MHz USB – Finlandia
●27.315 MHz FM – Europa
●27.385 MHz LSB – América del Norte
●27.455 MHz USB – América del Sur y Norte
●27,495 MHz USB – Sudeste Asiático
●27.555 MHz USB – Internacional
●27.765 MHz USB – Brasil Grupo Papa Delta
●27.781.25 MHz FM – Reino Unido
●27,985 MHz USB – Rusia
●27,995 MHz USB – Europa Oriental y Rusia





<a href="
http://s08.flagcounter.com/more/pB7P"><img src="http://s08.flagcounter.com/map/pB7P/size=m/txt=000000/border=CCCCCC/pageviews=1/viewers=0/" alt="free counters" border="0"></a><br><a href="http://www.flagcounter.com/">Free counters</a>

Real Time Simulated Global D-Layer Absorption
(This page refreshes every minute)

Global D-Layer Absorption (Click for more data)

GOES 1 minute Solar X-Rays (Click to expand)


thumbnail of global absorption predictions at 1 dB











link to Proton Plot link to Electron Plot link to GOES Mag. Plot link to Kp Plot

Current Solar Data (from NOAA)

Solar X-rays: status
Geomagnetic Field: kpstatus


X-Ray Flux Satellite Environment (combined) Electron Flux
Magnetometer Estimated Kp Index GOES 8 Proton Flux
Click on images for full size





Alajuela Costa Rica